Monday, October 11, 2010

A Simple Woman's Daybook Entry


Outside my window... there is a beagle chasing squirrels.

I am thinking... how pleasant it is to spend a day doing nothing but relaxing with the man I love.

I am thankful for... my children, my grandchildren, my friends and loved ones and for having reached an age where the people I spend time with are people I enjoy spending time with.

From the kitchen... there are trays of veggies, pickles and olives, cheese and hummus and pita to nibble on in lieu of any meal that takes actual effort to prepare.

I am wearing... A t-shirt with the Wicked Witch of the East's foot in striped socks and ruby slipper that say's "If the shoe fits" and plaid PJ bottoms that do not in any way match.

I am creating... a cross stitch Christmas ornament with a quilt motif.

I am going... to all sorts of places later in the week - to a play, to see Craig Ferguson, to a block party, to church...  But today, I'm happily going nowhere.

I am reading..,. The Time Traveler's Wife.

I am hoping... this week moves slowly, but this next year flies by.

I am hearing... a song being played on a music box.

Around the house... a whole lot of books - we've been talking about the need to turn one of the spare rooms into a library once we add my books to his next summer.

One of my favorite things... almost anything purple.

A few plans for the rest of the week:  That'd be all those places we're going.  I'm very excited about them all, so not to regard this as a heirarchy, but my heart is especially warmed by the block party - the neighborhood does this a couple times a year and it makes me so happy to know that these people are my neighbors.  Very friendly bunch that never fails to look out for each other and help one another out.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Michael and I at the MD Ren Faire on Saturday.  Great fun... not so great food.  But there was mead!  That was more fun than I've had in a long time.

(posted at The Simple Woman's Daybook)

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