Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bell Wand Giveaway

You may have notice that blogland has a lot of giveaways - I mean a LOT.  And most offer a way to have a shot at them for posting about the giveaway, which makes perfect sense, but if I posted about every giveaway out there, I'd be too tired to write about anything else.  So, I usually forgo that part unless something really catches my attention.

Aine from the Deepest Well has my full attention - she's giving away a really charming (I mean that in the oldest sense) wand that is topped with a bell. Awhile ago, she'd found this in a giftshop and wrote about it - and as another one who's never found a wand that agreed with me (hey, I tried to get to the Magick Store via the train station, but all I did was smack my head), this one spoke to me and I tucked the idea away to try to figure out how to get one for myself.

I figured it'd involve craft glue, a wooden dowel and a bell - but this is a good way, too!  Go toss your name into the hat, too.  And even if you aren't in the market for a wand, it's a really sweet ornament and might come in handy should the Lord of Misrule show up at your house.

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