Monday, September 5, 2011

A new blog

It feels slightly ridiculous to be announcing a new blog when I've been very lax this summer about keeping up with this one (call it summer vacation - I fully intend to get back to the domestic artiness of cooking, and crafting that makes up the majority of what I talk about here) but...

Michael and I are starting a new blog together - we've decided to work together on a year's worth of study with Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF) and as a part of that, we're keeping an online journal together to log and discuss our progress.  Now, there's nothing sadder than a blog that no one is reading, so if you're interested in the pagan bits of my life, I invite you to come follow us at The Cauldron Born.  And for those of you who aren't, you'll be happy to know I plan to keep The Auld Grey Mare separate from the pagan aspects of my life, and just as happily talk stitchin' and kitchen here with all you lovely people.

If you do pop over, say hi to Michael - he's a really awesome man. :)

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