Friday, April 8, 2011

Giveaway: Kitchen Aid and King Arthur Flour

I know - this week all I'm managing to post is various giveaways that catch my eye - but this is one you want in on.  Foodiacs is holding a sweepstakes this month and the winner will get a Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer, a years supply of King Arthur Flour, and $50.00 for whatever other little doo dads you might need to dive into baking.

I want this so badly - and here's a fun thing.  When you click on this link to go sign up... it increases my odds of winning because if you win, so do I.  And then we can both jump around the room squealing over our good luck! Hah!

So go sign up - and then post about it yourself to increase your own odds know.. you want to just send folks MY way...

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