I created this simple spread as a daily motivator... a peek at the day ahead, with an emphasis on mindfully responding to it. After the explanation of the spread is a reading I did for myself using it.
T - Theme of the Day (the overall outlook, the sort of experiences that color the day as a whole)
O - Obstacles and Opportunities
(remember Obstacles are also Opportunities. This is where you are challenged to step up)
D - Drama
(what pushes your buttons... where the emotional triggers are, positive or negative)
A - Accomplishments
(what you can expect to Achieve if you take Action.)
Y - YES!
(what comes to you - your gift from the universe you can choose to accept)
If you give this a try, let me know what you think!
TODAY - A reading
Deck: Druidcraft
T - Theme of the Day
2 of Pentacles
This card shows a woman standing in a protected spot near the water's edge, juggling a pair of pentacles. Overhead a solid tree grows out of the rocky soil and in the background a storm tosses a ship about. In spite of the difficult conditions and the stormy weather, the woman has a happy, serene expression on her face and is not afraid.
This card speaks of the need to make practical choices regarding one's resources - money, possessions, physical energy. Here is what strikes me - she is able to keep multiple balls in the air - but she's juggling 2, not 10 - her sense of safety comes from not attempting to do too much, not stretching herself too thin. Yes, that storm is out there, but she's found her protected spot so that she can live a fun and joyful life without undue worry.
For today, I will not think in terms of what I don't have - but in how I can best use what I do have, and remember that thriftiness can be fun if you let it be!
O - Obstacles and Opportunities
Queen of Pentacles
I have to laugh - I am my own worst enemy is what this tells me. The Queen of Pentacles is she who cares for all things practical, financial and physical. It is her role to nurture and care for what she has. Her job is to maintain and look after home, hearth, health.
As an obstacle, she tells me that I need to be careful about doing this - if the theme is thrift, the challenge isn't just to acquire things in a sane and efficient way - it means that caring for what you already have is the only way to experience abundance during lean times. Today I need to put in some time cleaning and caring for my home... and the challenge comes, as it so often does, by the competing need to care for myself physically - I have RA, and the weather has turned chilly and wet and that means I'm stiff. So I will need to be very mindful as I work, to not give in to doing nothing, but take care to rest along the way. (story of my life)
One last thought there - this deck's Queen of Pentacles has that wonderful big drum... and I think that is my Opportunity. I can live this day to the beat of my own drum - there is no Right or Wrong other than what I choose to declare right or wrong. So I can get through my tasks in the way that best works for me. That harks back to miss juggler in the 2 of pents, doesn't it?
D - Drama
3 of Cups
Can you hear it? "But I don't waaaannnnaaa work, I wanna hang out with my friends and plaaaay!" The 3 of Cups shows a trio of friends toasting each other over a good meal - it is the card of comaraderie and social parties - and while it also often means having a good old boozefest, I doubt that is going to happen in my world today. But wanting to avoid work to play instead? Oh that is my drama every single day of my life.
There is also one thing I will want to be on the lookout for. Deanna's been having some issues with friends lately that seem to be on the way to recovery - but she has plans after school to spend some time with them (post-argument, and everyone kind of touchy), and with this card in the drama position, I may need to be prepared to have to support her if it doesn't go well. OR it will go great and it will be the release of drama that is highlighted. Until next time. We'll see!
A - Accomplishment
III - The Lady
Isn't she beautiful? The Lady, the Goddess, the Mother, pregnant with possibility, surrounded by creative abundance and the harvest of own creation.
This sort of lush, full sense of abundance is what I can accomplish today by managing my resources and taking care of what I have - this speaks to the creative energy involved in living joyfully during hard times... what you can't buy, make. Find ways to repurpose what you already have. Be creative!
Such a positive card to show up in the 'you can do it' position gives me a great antidote to the childish desire to not do anything that smacks of work - without labor, there is no birth, but our urge to create is larger than our desire to avoid anything difficult.
I will be on the lookout today for ways I can generate creative solutions to my home maintenance concerns, and to see what can be recycled or re-purposed to minimize the amount of garbage my possessions and consumer habits create.
Y - YES!
3 of Pentacles
And this is one step forward from the 2 of Pentacles that is the theme of the day - my gift from the universe today is to get a step forward, to begin laying a solid foundation for the future.
It reminds me that the day's tasks aren't the whole project... they are a step along the way. But also that what I do today is the foundation I can build on.
The 3 of Pents also has a lot to do with professional guidance - bringing in advice and experience from others.. here, they watch the person working but in many decks, they are consulting blueprints, books... each bringing their bit of expertise to the project.
The gift of supportive guidance - that is all those wonderful blogs in the sidebar - all these people each finding their own way, sharing tips and inspiration and support... watching over one another as we each try to create a home environment that can withstand the storms that are undoubtedly shaking the world right now.
Yes to that. Yes.
End of the Day Update:
So, I put some time into giving the bathroom a good scrub, getting rid of empty bottles and leftover debris abandoned by my daughter and her family when they moved out. I tossed the shower curtain into the washer, and got all the surface cleaning done except the floors. Tomorrow, I'll clean out the medicine cabinet and closet, and mop. Good chunk of work there.
Was there drama? As a matter of fact, there was - Deanna and her friend were in a high state of hilarity (troubles forgiven and forgotten), and managed to spook the cat, Frankie. Frankie forgot to obey the law of gravity and elevated quickly upward, straight into my nicely decorated autumn ornament tree.... which tipped over, very nearly impaling daughter and friend who were lazing about on the floor beneath the table where it sits (the 4 foot tree is composed of shaped metal, so this had all the makings of a gruesome horror movie scene)
Fortunately no one was badly hurt, and the friends are now truly re-bonded after noticing that each one attempted to keep the tree from landing on the other - in fact, it was that dual instinct to stop its path downward that kept it from landing on them. Just one would have only resulted in tipping it over onto the other.
Frankie meanwhile sat across the room blankly wondering what all the commotion was and absolutely refusing to look apologetic.
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